Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Weekly Update: December 30


      Thanks for helping to make the last part of '08 great! We had a great last engage of the year and got us all ready for Christmas. I have thoroughly enjoyed being at Gayton during this interim season, and I am excited about the new year and all that will happen in the lives of your youth in '09.

      There is no engage this Sunday night!! engage will resume on Jan 11 with a big kickoff and food afterwards.
The Youth Council will meet at 6:30 PM at Panera (Lauderdale and Broad).

      How many times a month do you fill up your gas tank? What if all of your gas purchases for one month could support the 2009 Youth Mission Trip? Logon to ShopWithScrip.com and purchase gift cards from your favorite gas station (Exxon, BP, Chevron, Wawa, Sheetz -- you name it!) and help support youth missions.
      Simply enter code DD864BL119488 and you'll be ready to go! Questions? See Aaron.

      Stay tuned for the time and location of a parent/youth meeting to give you details on YMT '09!!

      The three best questions I know are explorations of what, why, and how:
- Talk about what you think is important.
- Talk about why you think it's important.
- Talk about how you think that changes things.
I like these questions because they're honest. They're not meant to persuade or challenge or compel; they're meant to clarify. [read more]

Until next year...

A conversation with your youth.

Jim Hancock shares how to open up dialogue with your teen by simply asking what, why, and how.


The three best questions I know are explorations of what, why, and how:
  • Talk about what you think is important.

  • Talk about why you think it's important.

  • Talk about how you think that changes things.

I like these questions because they're honest. They're not meant to persuade or challenge or compel; they're meant to clarify.

Asking what, why, and how questions is an offer to pay attention to another person's perceptions, thoughts, ideas, hopes, and intentions. If you can get honest answers to these three questions, you'll know where things stand with the other person and you'll have an idea of what to do next.

Begin with any human experience--a movie, a sermon, a song, an argument, a book, an accident, an aha!, a success, a failure, a passage from the Bible, a discovery...anything at all. Then ask, "Tell me what you think that was. What just happened?"

Don't get hung up on the wording; there's more than one way to ask what.

What? = What do you think happened? = What stood out for you? = Did anything surprise you? = Describe it to me. = Tell me about it...

Whatever words you use, what questions invite a person to describe her own perceptions of an experience. It really doesn't matter what experience; what matters is hearing her describe it (so you don't just assume, or guess, or wish). The same is true for why questions.

Why? = So what? = Why is that significant to you? = Why do you think it happened? = Tell me more about that...

However you ask, the why question explores why, out of all possible meanings, did this one occur to you? The answer can tell you something you couldn't know if you didn't pose the question.

Asking why can be the catalyst for deeper reflection by the person on the receiving end of the question:
  • Asking, "Why do you think you identified more closely with that character than the others?" invites reflection about empathy and compassion.

  • Asking, "Why do you think you misunderstood that?" invites a person to consider why he heard something that wasn't said.

  • Saying, "Talk about why you find that comforting" calls for self-assessment and invites self-disclosure.

And so it goes... These are all valuable considerations people--especially adolescent people--are not often encouraged to share in an emotionally safe context.

How is the money question because it clarifies what a person actually learned?

How? = Now what? = How do you plan to respond? = How will that make a difference? = How does that change things? = Tell me what you intend to do about that.

Kids who can answer how questions--especially if they follow through on their intentions to behave differently, to repeat a success, or to avoid a failure--have really learned something from their experience.

Simplicity is part of the beauty of this process. Once you learn to ask these questions naturally and unselfconsciously, you can help kids understand what you're doing and why. For the last couple of decades, I've urged kids to ask these three types of questions at the end of every reading assignment and class session--promising they'll raise their grade by half a point minimum. I have yet to hear from any dissatisfied customers.

Here's why I think this works: I think these three questions swing the spotlight around to where it belongs--so we can see the learner. We already have a pretty good idea what the teacher knows; it's right there in the presentation (whatever that may be). Transferring wisdom isn't merely a matter of making statements--what passes for teaching most of the time. Transferring wisdom depends on engaging students where they are and helping them take the next step toward where they need to go.

I've come to believe that people learn what they can learn--what they're prepared to learn--not what they're supposed to learn. Good teachers don't pour knowledge into people; good teachers create intriguing environments where learners find what they need to modify or build on what they've learned so far. As a teacher the best tool I have for that task is engaging kids in new experiences (of whatever sort) and then asking what, why, and how.


Jim Hancock invested two decades as a church-based youth worker. Now he spends his days in Leucadia, California, writing and creating digital movies and learning designs like "Raising Adults," "The Justice Mission," and the "Good Sex" curriculum for youth workers, parents, and adolescents.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Weekly Update: December 15


      It's the week before Christmas! It is really starting to feel like Christmas now. An early update to help you plan for the week:

      Ready to party? The annual Christmas party is Friday night at the Johnson's house. Dress warm, bring a flashlight and a small gift ($5-10) for the White Elephant exchange.
Bus leaves church @ 5:30 PM and returns at 9 PM. Or meet us there (e-mail Aaron for directions) around 6-6:15 PM! Parents are welcome to join us!

      We need youth volunteers to help prepare and lay out luminaries for our Christmas Eve service, and volunteers to help pick them up after the 6 PM service.
      Want to help? Talk to Aaron and meet @ GBC at 3 to help setup.

      Did you know 60% of gift cards are purchases within the last 6 days before Christmas? Don't miss your chance to help support YMT '09!! Order by noon on Wednesday and your order will be available in the church off next week or @ the Christmas Eve services.
      Shop away at ShopWithScrip.com and enter Enrollment Code: DD864BL119488. After the code is in, everything you buy will benefit GBC Youth. Invite your friends, family and neighbors to join us in this fundraising effort!

      And don't forget our last engage of the year, Sunday @ 5PM. Your youth won't want to miss this one!

Until next week...


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Weekly Update: December 10


      A reminder again: engage is at 5 PM in December!! Also, stop by the GBC Youth page to sign up for text message updates (youth and adults!!).

MOVIE NIGHT: 5:30-7:30 PM
      This Friday, Dec. 12, it's movie time! Bring $2 for pizza and come hang out for a couple hours.
      Parents: interested in watching the movie? We need a couple volunteers to hang out!

      Are your college students shopping for books online for next semester? Can't figure out what to give somebody for Christmas? Pick up an Amazon.com or American Express gift card and benefit the YMT '09!!
      Shop away at ShopWithScrip.com and enter Enrollment Code: DD864BL119488. After the code is in, everything you buy will benefit GBC Youth. Invite your friends, family and neighbors to join us in this fundraising effort!

      Middle school Sunday school classes will start using Grapple in January. This is an exciting way for middle schoolers to "grapple" with their faith.
      Parents, Grapple includes an online component. Please download the Grapple intro and release form to read more. Release forms must be returned for your student to be given access to myGrapple.

      Ask your youth about Sunday night's engage. Gifts are a big part of Christmas these days, and they were important at the first Christmas too. Help your youth focus on the joy of giving this Christmas.

Until next week...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Weekly Update


      This is a most wonderful time of the year, and I am excited about our Advent focus as part of engage. Don't forget: engage is at 5 PM throughout December!!

PARENTS' NIGHT OUT: Still Need Youth Volunteers!!
      This Friday, Dec. 5, GBC will be hosting Parents' Night Out (PNO) for parents in the church and Agape Preschool. They can drop their kids off for a night of Bible camp-style fun while they go Christmas shopping.
      Youth volunteers will help staff PNO and we will track their participation as part of the fundraising efforts for YMT '09. Have your youth e-mail, call or text Aaron to volunteer. Volunteers need to arrive at 5 PM

ENGAGE: This Sunday
      This week begins our 3-week engage Advent series on the Advent Conspiracy. This month we'll have exciting worship opportunities, great Christmas games and messages to help us experience the true meaning of Christmas without losing the giving spirit of the season!

      Have questions about how to get started with the ShopWithScrip.com? Ask Aaron for a hands on intro and a walk through the setup process. After that, it's super easy! Our first orders have already arrived, so don't delay -- get ready for Christmas!
      To enroll with ShopWithScrip.com, visit their website and enter Enrollment Code:
DD864BL119488. Invite your friends, family and neighbors to join us in this fundraising effort!

"Seven days without laughter makes one weak." ~ Mort Walker

      Don't forget to laugh and enjoy this holiday season with your youth and family. See you soon.

Until next week...


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Weekly Update: November 26


      Happy Thanksgiving Week! A few reminders for this week:

PARENTS' NIGHT OUT: Need Youth Volunteers
      Next Friday, Dec. 5, GBC will be hosting Parents' Night Out (PNO) for parents in the church and Agape Preschool. They can drop their kids off for a night of fun while they go Christmas shopping.
      We need youth volunteers to help staff PNO. Donations will benefit each youth's YMT '09 account. Have your youth e-mail, call or text Aaron to volunteer, or sign up on Sunday at church.

TURKEY BOWL: This Sunday
      Come out to The Faig's house from 3-7 PM for football and food. Football starts at 3, dinner starts about 5:30. Come for one, or both! College students/GBC Youth Grads are welcome to join us!

      And don't forget our new fundraiser: to enroll with ShopWithScrip.com, visit their website and enter Enrollment Code: DD864BL119488. Invite your friends, family and neighbors to join us in this fundraising effort! We will place our first order next Monday, December 1 and will be available for pickup on Sunday, December 7.

      I hope you and your youth have a great Thanksgiving. Check back next week for our December engage series. See you on Sunday!

Until next week...

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Weekly Update: November 20


      Greetings from sunny Nashville! I am spending the week at the National Youth Workers Convention, hearing and learning from some of the most innovative minds in youth ministry. I am looking forward to bringing some new insights back to Gayton. Coming up on the calendar next week - after a great Thanksgiving weekend - is the Turkey Bowl at "Faig Field" (The Faig's House) from 3-5:30. We'll have directions and more info in next week's digest.

      One resource I'm already excited about is something I saw in the convention bookstore: When Church Kids Go Bad. In this practical book, youth ministry veteran Les Christie will help you take a positive approach to discipline when it becomes necessary. "When Church Kids Go Bad" will:

  • Reveal the reasons behind problem behavior and show you how to take a positive approach to discipline
  • Teach you how to use rules and consequences effectively
  • Help you evaluate your strengths and weaknesses in discipline situations (and improve your areas of weakness)
  • Give you dozens of specific, practical, helpful ideas you can use immediately with your students

Learn more about and purchase the book in the YS Store.
*Save 30% off the retail price of "When Church Kids Go Bad" when you purchase it at the YS Store and use coupon code YPNNV3. This offer expires 12/3/08.

week's lingo:

  • Federal = against the law, or not right. "Yo, I ain't stealing that money, that's federal!"
  • Parlayin = v. relaxing and communicating, like sitting and talking to a female. "Check out Reggie parlayin with Shana."

Until next week...

Saturday, November 15, 2008

We're having some technical difficulties

We're having some technical difficulties with Twitter. We're here safe and having a great time. hope you can see our pics soon

escape update

Looking for the escape updates? Look to the right! We will be using Twitter to update the blog during events, retreats and other youth ministry activities. Through Twitter, we can post short messages, pictures and video.

Reading the GBC Blog through RSS Feed? Follow the GBC Twitter Feed too!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Weekly Update: November 12


      Thank you to all of you who joined us at the Parents Meeting Sunday night! If you missed it, you can download the Gayton Youth Ministry Guidebook. For YMT '09 Fundraising Information, stop by the information table after worship this Sunday.

from the Youth Pastor Search Team: Town Hall Meeting
      The Youth Pastor Search Team invites you (parents) to a Town Hall Meeting to get your input on the future of youth ministry at Gayton. Dr. Ken Dibble, Youth Ministry Consultant for Virginia Baptists, will help facilitate the conversation.
      Also, watch your mail in the next few days for a survey from the Search Team.

This week @ engage
      Think about Scripture. Pray to God. Live out your faith. Encourage your youth to join us for this week's engage!

next week...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Weekly Update: November 5


      I'm so thankful the election season is over - now it's back to regular TV ads! We had a good time Sunday night at engage remembering that God is bigger than politics and has a grand plan for the world, if we will just join in.

Parents' Meeting: November 9
      We will gather in the Worship Center after engage (about 7:00-7:30 PM) to discuss the upcoming calendar, a Youth Mission Trip '09 update and tidbits for parents.

High School escape: $10
      Have your high school student sign up today! Download the info sheet or pick up a sheet on Sunday. See Aaron to sign up. Sign ups end this Sunday!

This week @ engage
      Jesus tells us he's coming back. Every few years, another "prophet" says they have figured out the exact day -- remember Y2K? Sunday we will talk about why Jesus' return shouldn't be scary.

Until next week...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Weekly Update: October 29


      Welcome to another edition of the Weekly Update! Lots going on in the next few weeks, so stay tuned for the latest info.

Ushers for Sunday Worship
       Youth are serving as ushers this Sunday, November 2, in both worship services. Have your youth see Aaron to sign-up during Life Groups tonight or e-mail/Facebook him before the end of the week.

No-School Lunch @ Casa Grande
      It's election day, so no school! Come have lunch at Casa Grande from 1-2 PM. Some of our youth leaders and staff will be there, too. Meet us there!

High School escape: $10
      Have your high school student sign up today! Download the info sheet or pick up a sheet on Sunday. See Aaron to sign up.

Parents' Meeting: November 9
      We will gather in the Worship Center after engage (about 7:00-7:30 PM) to discuss the upcoming calendar, a Youth Mission Trip '09 update and tidbits for parents.

This week @ engage
The election is almost here! (Thank goodness, no more pre-recorded phone calls, TV ads!). We'll be taking a look at God's politics and what it means to be a Christ-follower in a world that's so political. No partisan politics here!

Until next week...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Weekly Update: October 22


      I hope you've had a great start to the week. The weather has changed, which must mean Thanksgiving and Christmas are right around the corner!

High School escape
      Big change!! High school football season might not be over on November 14, so escape is now November 15-16 (Saturday afternoon to Sunday afternoon). Download the info sheet or pick one up on Sunday.
Sign-ups will begin this week!! (Sunday, October 26)

Parents' Meeting: November 9
      Mark it on your calendar! We will gather in the Worship Center after engage (about 7:00-7:30 PM) to discuss the upcoming calendar, a Youth Mission Trip '09 update and tidbits for parents.

Next Series @ engage
Thanks for your support during our Storyline series! Coming up next month will be a three-week series. Coming up...

  • Nov. 2: God's Politics
    With the election two days away, the whole world will be talking about the US Presidential Election. What does this political season mean for Christ followers? How do we respond to political candidates who stretch the truth in their ads?
  • Nov. 9: the end?
    Every so often, somebody comes up with a brilliant theory about why the world is going to end. Remember Y2K? Jesus talked about when He will come back to Earth again. How should we respond to Jesus coming back?
  • Nov. 16: think. pray. live.
    Tonight we take a step back and reflect on the Psalms. These ancient songs and prayers are jam-packed with great meaning. How do they speak to us today?

    Lastly, some slang and texting lingo for you to speak (or at least understand):

  • M&M = Alright, a little above mediocre.
    "Do you like that youth pastor?" "Yea, he's M&M."
  • Shero = A female hero.
    "Superwoman is such a shero."

Until next week...


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Weekly Update: October 15


      Wow -- we had a great weekend on the Middle School Retreat. Our students made new friends in our youth group and beyond, and they grew closer to God. Coming up...

High School escape
      Get your high schoolers ready for this exciting weekend at the river. Football season will be over, the holidays will be right around the corner. Sign-ups will begin October 26

Parents' Meeting
      Stay tuned for next week's Update with the date and time for our November Parents' Meeting. We'll have information about upcoming events, the Youth Mission Trip '09 and a whole lot more.

Resource: The Parent You Want To Be [Book]
When it comes to parenting, who you are is more important than what you do. "The Parent You Want to Be" shows you how to select your top four or five "intentional traits" and pass them along to your children. It's a revolutionary approach that you won't find in any other parenting book.
      Learn more and purchase The Parent You Want to Be by clicking the title link.

*Save 30% off the retail price of "The Parent You Want to Be" when you use Coupon Code YPNOT3 and order by 10/29/08.

    Lastly, some slang and texting lingo for you to speak (or at least understand): AITR = "Adult in the Room."

Until next week...


Sunday, October 12, 2008

We're on our way! ETA: 3:30

Almost ready to leave... One more worship time, then lunch and we'll be on our way!

Saturday, October 11, 2008


We have had a great weekend. It's hard to believe it's almost over. Thanks for your prayers -- they have definitely been answered. Our students have heard God's call and responded in different ways. They have met new friends and will come back with a renewed focus on God.

Here are a few pictures from the weekend:

It's talent show time and

It's talent show time and we just had a solo and gymnastics routine from Hannah and a solo by Toby. A fun afternoon!

Up on the mountain...

We're finishing a contemplative and silent worship experience. It's been a great morning. Now off for an afternoon hike!

Friday, October 10, 2008

We made it!

We made it!

And we're off!! Thanks for

And we're off!! Thanks for your prayers for our 29 students and 6 adults who are on the retreat. Check back tonight for an more!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Weekly Update: October 8


      Welcome to Week 2 of the Weekly Update! In this week's Update, I want to celebrate our Middle School retreat this weekend, announce our High School escape and reflect on families who eat together.

Celebrate: Middle School Retreat
      We have 30 middle school students and 6 adults traveling to Eagle Eyrie for the Middle School Retreat. We'll be worshipping with hundreds of middle schoolers and youth leaders, digging into Scripture and enjoying the fall, mountain air. Pray for us!
Follow the Middle School Retreat during the weekend on the GBC Blog!

Announce: High School escape
      The Middle School students won't be the only ones "retreating" this fall. November 14-15, our high school students will be spending 24 hours at the river. Stay tuned for sign-up info.

Reflect: "The Family That Eats Together..."
      How often does your family eat together at home? Kara from the Fuller Youth Institute
wrote this week about two new studies -- one from Boston College, one from the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University -- suggesting that the more teenagers and their families have dinner together, the less likely they are to be involved with drugs, alcohol and risky sexual behavior.

      Because families are such an important part of youth ministry, we will continue to include this regular feature in the Weekly Update.

Until next week...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

high school: escape

November 14-15
High schoolers: ready to get away for a night?

24 hours. 4 cabins at the river. Good food. A bonfire. You, friends and God. Ready?

Don't miss it! Sign-up information will be available soon.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Preventing Molehills from Becoming Mountains

There are times when you'll get angry with your teen. That's the nature of this ministry. But here are a few dos and don'ts to help you prevent molehills of frustration from growing into mountains of anger:

  • Use a sarcastic tone or put kids down.
  • Quit.
  • Get into a power struggle.
  • Humiliate.
  • Ignore bad behavior.
  • Be surprised at bad behavior.
  • Do anything drastic until you listen a lot, think a lot, and pray a lot.
  • Allow discussions to turn into destructive arguments.

  • Pause before taking "official action." Always count to 10. Better yet, try 110.
  • Admit your anger.
  • Ask the person to talk with you privately.
  • Speak firmly.
  • Make it clear you expect good behavior.
  • Enlist other adults for advice, help, prayer, and support.
  • Intervene immediately when violent behavior occurs.
  • Notice good behavior and tell the person.
  • Cool off briefly before you discuss the problem with the person.
  • Be specific about the behavior you object to.
  • Apologize if you're wrong.
  • Allow the person to save face.
  • Demonstrate forgiveness to the person who made you angry.
  • Share a prayer of thankfulness when the conflict is over and the problem resolved.
  • Ask the person what course of action they think you should follow. (The "misbehaver" often has a good idea that will take care of the situation.)


Les Christie has spent more than forty years in youth ministry, including more than twenty years in the same church. An energetic speaker, Les also chairs the youth ministry department at William Jessup University. He's the author of more than a dozen books and lives in California with his wife, Gretchen, where he no longer has to discipline his two grown sons, Brent and David.

Learn more about and purchase the book, "When Church Kids Go Bad."

*Save 30% off the retail price of "When Church Kids Go Bad" when you purchase it at the YS Store and use coupon code YPNOT1. This offer expires 10/15/08.

Weekly Update: October 1


Thanks for a great welcome to Gayton! I look forward to walking with you and your students along this part of the journey.

This week's update is about staying connected to Gayton Youth events and info in the coming months:

  1. E-mail: The Weekly Update will go out weekly to any parent who wishes to receive it. Need to update your info? Just click "reply" and let me know!
  2. Website: The youth calendar, forms and other information will be updated on the church website. The youth page also includes updates from our new...
  3. Blog: We hope this will become a "hub" for the latest info, stories and media from GBC. We will post youth news (including this Weekly Update), along with pictures and stories from retreats and mission trips, just like YMT '08.
    Middle School Parents: want to know we made it to the retreat next weekend? Check out the blog for travel updates and pictures from the weekend!

Thanks for all that you do to support the youth ministry at Gayton. If you ever have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to e-mail or call!

Until next week...


Saturday, August 2, 2008

Youth Mission Trip - 2008 - Final Update

Day 7 Update (Friday)…

Every day of a mission trip is long. No matter if it’s overseas, regional, or local; no matter if it’s with children, adults, seniors, or teenagers; no matter if the focus is construction, children’s camps, Bible studies, social services, or disaster relief. Mission days are long because you are intentional about spending the whole day in service for others and God. While no days of our trip have been exceptions to this rule, this day has particularly confirmed it as true!
Today was our free day…our last day…our celebration day. We celebrated the work we’ve accomplished by sleeping just a little bit later and sharing stories from each mission site. We celebrated the city of Charleston by walking around the Market, which is set in the midst of downtown Charleston. We celebrated our Gayton Youth Group by wearing our brand new Gayton Youth tees (perhaps you’ll see them around very soon!). We celebrated our newfound and deeper established friendships by enjoying a delicious meal together at Bubba Gump. We celebrated the beauty of God’s creation by playing on the beach and in the ocean for several hours this afternoon. And tonight, we celebrated the leadership and personalities of our high school seniors, as well as the emerging presence of younger and new youth to Gayton. The day was memorable from the kind-of late start to the very late finish, and it has been very rewarding to be a part of such a meaningful trip. May the experiences of our students and adults spark interesting conversations, continued prayers, local mission opportunities, and further discipleship for our whole Gayton family.

Along the Journey…

PS – For all parents, the estimated time of arrival at GBC is between 4:30-5:00 pm.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Youth Mission Trip - 2008 - Day 6 Update

Day 6 Update (Thursday)…

Today was our last day at the mission sites. I don’t think there was a single person in our group who wasn’t motivated to try to get their site completely finished…and for the most part, that’s how we ended up. But this was also a community that holds many more projects yet to be undertaken, and simply taking a walk a few blocks from the church reveals the need for more and more service opportunities to be initiated. However, in light of the expansive visible needs, we have affirmed with our group that the real call of Christ is to serving others as you would hope one would serve you. Following the steps that Jesus took won’t solve all of the problems in the world – much less a small part of the community – but it will lead to proclaiming and expanding the Kingdom of God right here on earth. Jesus Prayed, “Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” This week – and prayerfully the 20+ weeks left in 2008 and then beyond – our students and adults have been able to make this ‘Kingdom of Mankind’ a little more like the Kingdom of God. We’ve done this alongside the friends of Metanoia and Saint Matthew Baptist Church (and of course many unknown others), and it’s been an incredible experience.
Classrooms, hallways & stairwells of Metanoia’s building were painted. Bookshelves were built. The interior walls of two brand new homes were painted, top to bottom, and are just a day are so from being completely finished. Two or three vacant lots were cleared of all the brush and trash. A long-abandoned basketball court was discovered, cleared and cleaned; a new goal was put up, lines were painted, and it now waits to be a place for kids, teens & adults to play [it’s right beside the church!]. A duplex that was stripped of all plumbing, windows, and paint was completely rehabilitated, and we now leave this future apartment for Metanoia interns with working plumbing, patched and painted walls, installed windows, a removed rotten awning, and many more things that bring it closer to being inhabited again. Children’s chairs were painted. The town signs were beautified. Sidewalks were rediscovered and cleared. Parking lots lines were painted. Faulty electrical work was fixed and new lights were installed at Metanoia. But there’s more than just these: friendships were formed, eyes were opened, borders were crossed, commitments were made, relationships were strengthened, and faith was deepened. I hope you will find an occasion to talk to some of our students and adults, and to hopefully come hear our YMT Report on Sunday evening, August 17th.

Along the Journey…